Aug 31, 2010

Backup Your Database

Yesterday I've learn the very important or very vital thing about database on my website. Database is very important for everyone. After reading my story, you will know how much important is your database on your website. Take a tea, sit back and enjoy reading my story
My domain was hosting in 1hostingsolution dot com, I'm using for about almost 6 months. Sometimes it went good, sometimes it's down for a couple hours. So i guess, that's alright. So I just relax and do nothing about it. I didn't complain to the company. I thought it was natural, maybe they maintenance or something.
And then something came up, 1hostingsolution dot com down for 1 week!!! Can you imagine the hosting down for 1 week!!! Then I go panic. I said "Oh my god, all of my database is there and I didn't backup at all. All of my contents is there too. I can't do anything about this. What I'm gonna do? Change hosting? Yes, definitely!! But how? my all my contents and database is in there? What are you going to do if you were me? except send the hosting an email?
So I sent them an email and complaint about this. I sent them email on the 4th day. They replied to me on the 5th day. On the 7th day, my website back to online again. Boy, I'm very happy about this.
So I take all my content and all my database from the hosting and then buy a NEW HOSTING!!! Finally, all my contents and database is back again. Now I install a script that can backup my database manually and automatically. So with this script I won't lose my database. ( I have the skill to install a script by my own :-) )
If you don't want this happening to you, you better backup all your database and all your content now! It will hurt you if you loss your database. Database is the vital for you and me (this is what I think, I don't know about you)
Oh ya, with this note, maybe you will consider to buy hosting at 1hostingsolutions dot com. It will save your headache and time
I hope you can take my experience as your references case. I don't want this happening to you.
Hi my name is: Padro Widjaja
You can check my website:
ps: I'm also offering service to install a script on your website. If you interest, just contact me :-)

Aug 29, 2010

"how to put opt-in"

I've got to say, today I got dizzy with "how to put opt-in" on my blog. I'm been searching for hours to find plugins that can put opt-in on my blog. Then I have found many result, for example unblockable pop-ups for word-press (this is very nice plugins if you want pop-up for your word-press), then I have got another opt-in plugins but only for paid subscribers.
For me that is sad. I mean, why only two autoresponders? Frankly because I don't use both of them hehe. So I search again and search again with my "bestfriend" search engine that is "Google" I love Google very much :) Finally I have found the answer. As you can see, I also have one on the right side. I give away my own e-book for free! Yes, you also can download it now.
Actually adding opt-in on your blog is quite easy (if you know the answer and the how). So let me tell you the secret..
Let me explain in 7 simple step (I love 7, lucky number 7)
1st: you go to your blog, and login.
2nd: go to setting, design, widgets.
3rd: scroll down until you see "text" then click "add"
4th: when it goes to the right, just click on "edit"
5th: copy and paste all the auto-responder form to the edit page.
6th: after that press "change" and "save"
7th: You are Done!
PS: Don't forget to test it first by put-in your name and email address. If works, Congratulations :D

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